Do you have a smart home? In a smart home you can monitor, track, and control various appliances, devices, and gadgets through the Internet using an a…
If you have been online for any length of time, you have heard about phishing. Phishing uses a variety of methods to obtain your personal and financia…
On November 30th, Marriott International announced that the Starwood reservation system had been breached and the personal information of up to 500 mi…
In late September, Facebook announced that a security breach was discovered on September 25th that affected almost 50 million accounts. The hackers st…
Are you on your computer, smartphone or tablet all the time? If so, chances are you can really benefit from this crash course in upping your online "s…
The Internet can be wonderful with lots of information and entertainment at your fingertips. But users can be annoyed or frustrated by items on web si…
Your data is a hot commodity. It's not just Facebook that is collecting your data. Many other sites, companies, and advertisers do, too. Whether it's …
How often do you check your Facebook privacy and security settings? With the recent revelation that data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica acquired p…
In early January, researchers announced two flaws in computer chips known as central processing units (CPUs). CPUs are what makes our digital devices …
There are many threats to your online privacy and security. Some of these threats include advertisers and businesses tracking you and thieves trying t…
Ransomware attacks are becoming more frequent and they are targeting more and more computers. Ransomware prevents access to files on a computer usuall…